Picsie Update

Nice little update to Picsie for you.

Alpha 1.5 (26 September 2010)

  • Installer (~75KB).  This will set up your file associations for you.
  • Standalone .exe (~200KB).  Use this if you already have Picsie installed and you just want the latest version.  Just drop it over the existing one.


Alpha 1.5 (26 September 2010)

  • Fix: Set a minimum size that you can zoom out to, rather than a minimum zoom level.
  • Fix: Animation speed for GIFs is now read from the file, so should match what you see in other viewers.

Alpha 1.4 (4 September 2010)

  • Fix: Picsie’s maximum zoom now hits the limits of the screen, rather than falling short.  This also stops the stretching effect when the limit was reached.

Alpha 1.3 (7 July 2010)

  • New: If a new Picsie window is the only one loaded, it centres on the screen.  If a window already exists, it loads wherever Windows puts it.  This significantly helps with the layout and ease of use as you always know where the first one goes, and additional windows don’t appear directly over it

Alpha 1.2 (20 June 2010)

  • Fixed: Mute setting wasn’t remembered between videos
  • Fixed: Refuses to load files with extensions not in lower case (e.g. image.JPG)

Alpha 1.1 (15 June 2010)

  • Fixed a bug in the installer that stopped Start Menu icons being created in  Windows XP

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