Category Archives: Soundtracks

Game music: Saint Dragon

Saint DragonLast week we went back to my childhood with Super Mario Bros 2, and now, with Christmas just around the corner, we’re going even further back into pure nostalgia with Saint Dragon.
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Game music: Super Mario Bros 2

Super Mario Bros 2There was no way this series would go a full year without a Mario game. But! Everyone knows the signature Mario themes, while Super Mario Bros 2 is a different story.
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Game Music: Halo

Halo OST CoverI really, really wanted to include this in my history series but that would have been cheating since I never actually played much Halo. This is a shame since the composers are both talented and fascinating, beating Valve to the punch on several points years before Half-Life 2. So this week, Halo: Combat Evolved.
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Game music: One Must Fall: Battlegrounds

OMF Cover Art“One Must Fall: 2097” was released in 1999 and remains my favourite fighting game ever. Piloting a 90 foot tall, hundred ton robot in a combat arena? What’s not to like? Four years later the sequel “One Must Fall: Battlegrounds” was a disappointing game featuring great music.
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Game music: Age of Wonders

Agw of Wonders OST CoverAge of Wonders. Michiel van den Bos. ’nuff said.
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Game music: The Spirit Engine 2

Spirit Engine 2 OST CoverToday’s soundtrack is an odd one – I’ve never played the game, but have used the album extensively as the soundtrack to a completely different game. Introducing Josh Whelchel’s score for The Spirit Engine 2 – my unofficial soundtrack to Minecraft.
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Game music: Braid

Braid OST CoverSometimes a puzzle game isn’t just difficult, it’s so neuron-wrenchingly frustrating that it needs a flawlessly written soothing score just to keep you from using your controller as a blunt instrument. Braid, obviously.
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Game music: Pocket mine

Pocket Mine OST CoverWhat’s that you say? It’s been more than a couple of weeks since I posted anything by Big Giant Circles? For shame. Well then. here’s the latest game soundtrack he’s done – Pocket Mine.
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Game Music: Skyward Collapse

Skyward Collapse OST CoverAfter Dawn of War last week, let’s tone things back down a bit and listen to something altogether more relaxing. Introducing Skyward Collapse, a game putting you in the mystical shoes of a Creator with the power to destroy men and gods.
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Game music: Dawn of War 2

Dawn of War 2 ThumbnailThe music to a Warhammer 40K experience. What’s to say? I might as well just write “music to write war to” and call it a day. Dawn of War 2. Much war ensues and the soundtrack is suitably chanty and loud.
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