Category Archives: Picsie

Picise updated to Alpha 1.2

A couple of quick fixes to Picsie.

Alpha 1.2 (20 June 2010)

  • Installer (~75KB).  This will set up your file associations for you.
  • Standalone .exe (~200KB).  Use this if you already have Picsie installed and you just want the latest version.  Just drop it over the existing one.

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Downloads – Alpha 1.10 (10 November 2015)

  • Installer (~75KB).  This will set up your file associations for you.
  • Standalone .exe (~200KB).  Use this if you already have Picsie installed and you just want the latest version.  Simply drop it over the existing executable.

Picsie is a very lightweight image and video viewer, with an emphasis on speed and minimal interface.   I primarily made it because while in the past I was perfectly happy with XnView, Quick Look on the Mac made it obvious how much Windows was missing something similar.

A while later I saw VJPEG which did pretty much exactly what I wanted.  Unfortunately it lacks a few features I like, so I set about making my own.
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