Category Archives: Soundtracks

Game music: Treasure Adventure World

Treasure Adventure World OST Banner
Treasure Adventure Games by Robit Studios is a charming and fun piece of work and readers will know that I’m a big fan of the game’s soundtrack and its composer.

Now the game is receiving an ambitious remake in the form of Treasure Adventure World with new design, artwork, animation and, of course, new music. The original soundtrack was a masterfully modern take on old-school gaming. So how does the reimagined version measure up?

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Game music: Brothers – a Tale of Two Sons

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Game music posts may not be a weekly feature of Pixieland any more, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to put up a post when an album catches my ear. And oh boy, has the soundtrack to Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons caught my ear.
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Game music: SanctuaryRPG

SanctuaryRPG Banner

Mechanized dragon.

Sometimes it’s the little things that pique your interest, tickle your funny bone or prompt a sudden perception test. In the case of SanctuaryRPG the little thing was the phrase “Mechanized dragon”. Any game that has that as a boss fight gets two automatic thumbs up in my book. Or talons as the case may be.

SanctuaryRPG is part Nethack, part Final Fantasy, all text. The website is immediately arresting, probably the slickest, most advanced-looking text-based site I’ve ever seen. The soundtrack by Rafael Langoni Smith matches perfectly, a wonderful throwback to the best of the NES. Worth a listen and worth some of your gold pieces and/or credits.
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Game music: Megaman 5

Megaman 5 Banner

With Mighty No. 9 around the corner I got to thinking about Megaman. And the music to the Mighty No. 9 trailer likewise got me thinking about Megaman’s music.
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Game music: Titanfall

Titanfall Banner

I’ve never played Titanfall and since it’s multiplayer-only the odds of me ever playing are effectively zero, anti-social misanthrope that I am. Still, that’s no barrier to enjoying the music.
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Game music: Oni

Oni OST Banner

Having started playing through Oni again, it would be remiss of me to not talk about the soundtrack, and so my Wednesday post buffer grows another week, extending like the timer in an endless runner after hitting a checkpoint.

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Game music: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

Ah, Mass Effect 3, such conflicted emotions you elicit. Undoubtedly the best of the trilogy in terms of gameplay, but also easily the weakest writing. Your soundtrack is no different either. Gone is the unique style of Mass Effect 1, replaced by a sound that is more… what? Standard? Safe? Broadly appealing, perhaps, much closer to the sequel than the original.

But like the writing, the score hits high points that are utterly superb and proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the trilogy.
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Game music: Child of Light

Child of Light banner

How did this happen? As an XBox One owner I expected any interruption in the dearth of games to be heralded by, if not Titanfall levels of fanfare, at least something. But no, it was only when I went looking through the game store I came across Ubisoft’s Child of Light. Yes it’s had reviews, and no it didn’t slink onto the scene like a ninja, but at the same time when something as interesting, as pretty and as unique as Child of Light gets released I’d expect to hear a little more.
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Game music: Tetris

Tetris Banner

It’s been a year now since I started this series with Bastion so let’s celebrate with the greatest piece of video game music ever written. If the whacking great big banner up there didn’t give you a clue and you skipped the title completely, I am of course talking about Tetris.
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Game music: The Secret of Monkey Island

Monkey Island Banner

In my history of video game music series I sung the praises of LucasArts games in general and Monkey Island 2 in particular. I steered clear of the original Monkey Island, partly because I never played it, partly because I wanted to give it an entry all of its own.
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