Game Music: Skyward Collapse

Skyward Collapse OST CoverAfter Dawn of War last week, let’s tone things back down a bit and listen to something altogether more relaxing. Introducing Skyward Collapse, a game putting you in the mystical shoes of a Creator with the power to destroy men and gods.
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Game music: Dawn of War 2

Dawn of War 2 ThumbnailThe music to a Warhammer 40K experience. What’s to say? I might as well just write “music to write war to” and call it a day. Dawn of War 2. Much war ensues and the soundtrack is suitably chanty and loud.
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Game Music: Castlevania – Symphony of the Night

Symphony of the Night OST CoverCastlevania is one of those series to have left a genuine mark in history and the evolution of gaming. Alongside Metroid, the series even gives it’s name to the Metroidvania pseudo-genre. And like Metroid, it has has some truly memorable soundtracks. Symphony of the Night is heralded by many as one of the best video soundtracks ever.
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Treasure Adventure Music: An interview with Robert Ellis

Robert Ellis Interview ThumbnailA bit of a change this week. I discussed Treasure Adventure Game a little while back in the last part of my game music history series, and this week the soundtrack gets a well-deserved post all to itself. But more importantly Robert Ellis, the composer, kindly agreed to an interview about Treasure Adventure Game, the upcoming Treasure Adventure World and video game music in general.
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lol game journalism

Angry PonySometimes the internet says something so mind-bogglingly dumb you just can’t help but laugh. Usually it’s Reddit. Recently there was a thread so full of stupid I just had to share. The subject? Games journalism, the gaming community and bias.

Or alternatively full-frontal, foaming at the mouth madness.
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Things to look forward to

TAW LogoWoolly Pootle. Bishops Twiddle. Just a couple of the things that made me giggle this week. But more than that, it’s part of something I’m really looking forward to. Silly names, hats and robots, there’s a good few games worth keeping an eye on in the near future, with nary an oozing AAA label in sight. Here’s a quick rundown of three upcoming games you should be excited about.
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Having fun in a hospital with Lords of War

LoW - Orc Warhog ThumbnailThe advantage of having to spend several days in hospital with nothing to do but wait for things to happen is that you get a chance to actually play some of those games that have been gathering dust in the cupboard since the last Dragonmeet. We played a lot of Fluxx and some Convoluted, but mostly we played Lords of War by Black Box Games
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Game music: Globulous

Globulous OST CoverOK, it’s been over a month since I posted a game soundtrack that was even remotely chiptuney, so let’s ease our way back in gently with something a little more on the electronic side of things… the lovely Globulous.
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Game music: Grim Fandango

Grim Fandango OST CoverYet another humiliating hole in my game background. In researching my post on the early games of PC game music I read a lot about the LucasArts games, which included Grim Fandango. I was never able to afford it as a boy, and now – having listened to the soundtrack – I fully intend to rectify that.
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The Macro Game

So it finally happened. Today sees the birth of my second son, Theo. While we deal with the joys and trials of parenthood+ I’m probably going to be seriously neglecting this blog for a while. I’ve got a healthy buffer of soundtrack posts built up and there are some things in the near future I won’t be able to help posting about, but generally speaking, cheerio for now.

And yes, he’s a Friday the 13th baby, born on Voyager’s first day in true interstellar space. An interesting start…