Game Music: Rayman Origins

Rayman Origins OST CoverThe second of the excellent recommendations from @samhogy: Rayman Origins. Having never played any of the Rayman series I had no idea what to expect. What I didn’t expect was something so manically wonderful.
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This week in gamey joy

Homeworld ThumbnailAnother week passes and I come up for air, catching up on the latest game news. And again, here’s a rundown of the most tingle-inducing bits. Homeworld is back, Godus goes up in my estimation and a new player enters the motion controller market.
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New theme – Chiron

I got a little tired of the brown so switched to the Chiron theme. Of course now I need to go through all my old posts and fix the colours and inevitable layout issues. Please bear with me.

…exciting edit montage…

And done. Hopefully. It also seems to have resolved some layout issues with embedded Youtube videos.

Game music: The Legend of Zelda – Majora’s Mask

Majoras Mask OST CoverI haven’t played a Zelda game since The Adventure of Link back in the NES days, so when @samhogy pointed me towards the Majora’s Mask soundtrack, I was intrigued to see how things had changed over the years.
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Plants vs Zombies 2: In-app purchasing done right?

PvZ2 LogoPlants vs Zombies 2 has been out for a little while now, at the attractive price of free, and several reviews have concluded that the game is “free-to-play done right”. I nearly agree. It’s “free-to-play done as well as it can be.”
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Game music: Trine

Trine OST CoverThis week we continue the mediaeval fantasy theme started last week with The Witcher, but with something altogether more relaxed. Trine was a much underrated game so there’s every chance you missed the soundtrack. Thankfully I’m here to remedy that.
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This week: Things that made me go squeee!

Witcher 3 ThumbnailBetween an ill baby, a dissertation-writing wife, a house move and a lack of internet connection I’ve been a little out of the loop these last couple of weeks. So imagine my delight when I finally catch up on recent game news and find it full of wonderful wondrous wonders!
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Game Music: The Witcher

The Witcher OST CoverI do try to keep the “chiptune/everything else” ratio about even in this series, so to balance out the chippy joy of last week we’re going with something a little more medieval fantasy now. Silver sword and steely eyes at the ready, it’s The Witcher.
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Game Music: The Journey Down

Journey Down OST CoverAfter last week’s vampiric masterpiece it’s time to come a bit closer to home and chill out at the bar with some gentle sax. So sit back and unwind with the music to SkyGoblin’s The Journey Down.
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Let’s Enthuse About: The Journey Down

Journey Down LogoThe best part about being laid out for several days with a respiratory tract infection is the chance to catch up some games you’ve been meaning to play for ages. And so it was that earlier this week I got to lay back with the iPad and play SkyGoblin’s The Journey Down. And now I’m going to enthuse about it.
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