Game Music: Gunpoint

Gunpoint OST CoverArmed with nothing but a pair of hypertrousers and a wry, sardonic sense of humour, this soundtrack sneaks into your house, hacks your stereo and downloads into your ears. Presenting… the music of Gunpoint.
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Bandcamp, Bandcamp, Bandcamp…

Sad LlamaBandcamp updated their embedded players, and of course that means the custom styling I’ve been using this far has all fallen apart. Yay! And I was just wondering what to do while my baby naps. Thanks Bandcamp!

Nostalgia in pixels: Reprisal

Reprisal ThumbnailMy Lord! A tribe of game alchemists have created PUREST NOSTALGIA! A wonderful homage to Peter Molyneux’s Populous, Reprisal is a whole bunch of world-shaping, god-playing, tribe-slaying, pixel-worshipping, chiptune-blaring fun.
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Not Game Music: Adventures in Pixels

Adventures in Pixels CoverIs it too soon for this blog to have traditions? Well imaginary reader, since you don’t even exist, I say there can be traditions. And in a break with said traditions Adventures in Pixels is technically (i.e. really) not a game soundtrack, but it’s simply too charming not to give an honourable mention.
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Extraction: The game

Extraction IconHaving covered the map generation and the AI, let’s wrap up the Extraction series with an overview of the game itself, how the previous topics feed into the gameplay, and just where it might go in the future.
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Game Music: Deus Ex Human Revolution

Deus Ex 3 OST CoverThis post is wearing sunglasses and a black trenchcoat, narrating itself to you in a low, gravelly voice. That’s right, it’s the Deus Ex: Human Revolution soundtrack.
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Extraction: AI and behaviour

Extraction - AI ThumbnailThis is the third part of my game design series. In part one I gave an overview of the game and in part two I described the map generation algorithm. This post describes the AI used in the game and how a combination of simple rules play off each other and combine to create useful and engaging simulation.
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A weekend of gaming

DieLast weekend was a long one, followed by a bank holiday, so we had friends over. The sun was hellishly gloriously hot, so we did what any right-thinking people would do. Play board games with a general Cthulhu theme. In the spirit of sharing, here are some thoughts…
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Game music: Frozen Synapse

Frozen SynapseIn the grand tradition of spending more time with game music than I do with the games themselves, I present your ears with the gift of the Frozen Synapse soundtrack. Another game I have totally failed to play, a fact which shames me and haunts my dreams.
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Reasons I lose at Super Hexagon

Super HexagonHaving played a bit more of Super Hexagon now, I thought I’d continue my policy of talking about the game in ways that are absolutely not reviews. Having fawned over the soundtrack, and then fawned over the contribution the soundtrack makes to the game, let’s look at some of the reasons one might not succeed in one’s chosen career as a Hexagon Whisperer.
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