Tag Archives: Bastion

Bastion minus most of Bastion

Bastion Banner

Everyone knows Bastion is a great game (and yes, has great music). Over at SDA a speedrunner called Vulajin has managed to finish the game in only 15 minutes and 9 seconds. Just… wow.

It’s funny to watch – so much content is skipped that the story falls apart and makes literally no sense.

Intense Serious Fun!

Tyrian ThumbnailRekabmot recently hosted a competition – write a review and win a copy of Monaco. The retro gods must have been smiling because my Tyrian review was one of the winners. Heists, capers and hijinks await!

Congratulations to my compatriot in victory, Sam Hogarth, for his heartfelt review of Bastion.

Game music: Bastion

Bastion OST CoverAfter mentioning the VVVVVV soundtrack in a recent post I thought I might carry on inflicting my musical tastes on an imaginary readership.  So, in the first of a semi-regular feature on my favourite game video game soundtracks and general spamming of Bandcamp links, let’s kick off with… Bastion.
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