Tag Archives: Ea

Mirror’s Edging Closer

Mirror's Edge 2 Banner

It was a year ago at E3 2013 that Electronic Arts officially announced a sequel to Mirror’s Edge to a mixed response of relief, elation, concern and frustration. The first game was born in 2008, that brief moment in time when EA was experimenting a bit, branching out and trying new things, a year that gave us Mass Effect, Spore, Warhammer, Dark Space, and of course Mirror’s Edge. Despite inevitable quirks the free-running gameplay garnered a lot of love. In fact the main complaint about the game was how unnecessary and counter-productive the combat was. EA might have been sticking their neck out but they couldn’t bring themselves to dial the combat down any further, which is a crying shame.

So when the 2013 E3 trailer heavily featured fighting joy was heavily tempered by disappointment. Had EA and DICE learned nothing?

A year has passed, another E3 has come, and some more Mirror’s Edge news has wall-run out of the studio and leapt wildly onto the internet. So what difference has a year made?
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Game music: Titanfall

Titanfall Banner

I’ve never played Titanfall and since it’s multiplayer-only the odds of me ever playing are effectively zero, anti-social misanthrope that I am. Still, that’s no barrier to enjoying the music.
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Game music: Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

Ah, Mass Effect 3, such conflicted emotions you elicit. Undoubtedly the best of the trilogy in terms of gameplay, but also easily the weakest writing. Your soundtrack is no different either. Gone is the unique style of Mass Effect 1, replaced by a sound that is more… what? Standard? Safe? Broadly appealing, perhaps, much closer to the sequel than the original.

But like the writing, the score hits high points that are utterly superb and proudly stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the trilogy.
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Game music: Mirror’s Edge

MIrrors Edge OST CoverWith a sequel on the way, and sounding disappointingly combat-centric, it’s worth looking back at the flawed gem that was Mirror’s Edge, from that brief period when EA actually had a go at releasing new and interesting games.
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Dungeon Keeper for Android: Just… how?

Dungeon Keeper

After being voted the most hated company in America you’d think EA wouldn’t have any problem making a game about an evil tyrant building power, lording it over others, abusing minions and laying waste all who oppose them. But somehow they’ve managed to make their mobile release of Dungeon Keeper… bad. Really awful.
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