Tag Archives: Game

When I sleep I see shapes

Super HexagonWhen I posted the Super Hexagon soundtrack I hadn’t actually played the game itself, just heard the soundtrack. As such I didn’t talk about the music in the context of the gameplay, just imagined what it might be like. Since then I’ve played the game and can talk about the music properly.
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Game Music: Monaco

Monaco OST CoverAlthough the video game soundtrack series was meant to be a regular feature, roughly once a week, here’s a bonus treat: the music to the delicious “Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine“.
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Game music: Bastion

Bastion OST CoverAfter mentioning the VVVVVV soundtrack in a recent post I thought I might carry on inflicting my musical tastes on an imaginary readership.  So, in the first of a semi-regular feature on my favourite game video game soundtracks and general spamming of Bandcamp links, let’s kick off with… Bastion.
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