Tag Archives: Infinifactory

Designing an alien alphabet

Alphabet Banner

Details. The little things that aren’t core to a game’s design or mission, that a game could ship without, they are often what gets cut when budgets and deadlines start to loom. But details can make or break a game;details can be the difference between success and failure, fun and boring, engaging and shallow. They can add spice and variety reward inquisitive players, and perhaps most importantly, let the lore and world you’ve created hold up under closer scrutiny.

Today we’re going to look at one such detail: designing an alien alphabet for your game.
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Infinifactory, Windows 10, and no sound?

Sad Infinifactory
Like 14 million other people I upgraded to Windows 10 the other day. By and large everything went smoothly, with the exception of Infinifactory which suddenly had no sound.

Googling didn’t turn up anything helpful, so here’s my fix. Read More →

Infinifactory: Come for the puzzles, stay for the histograms

Infinifactory Banner

Infinifactory is a fine, fine puzzler, an intimidating one. Thankfully, Zachtronic’s clever twist on scoring keeps me going back for more.
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