Tag Archives: Meta

A personal history of game music

Mario Sheet Music

Despite writing quite a lot about game music, and listening to an awful lot of it, it turns out I actually know sod all about it – the history, the technology, the composers. Every now and then I’ll come across an article that touches on it and find it all fascinating. Inquisitive blighter that I am, this is going to change.
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Flicking through site stats, I found out that the CG images I had on my old site actually got a fair few hits, so I’m going to sporadically upload them to this site over time, whenever I’m too busy and/or lazy to write an actual post.

The pictures are all either algorithmically generated, or composed with an old copy of Vue D’Esprit I got free with PC Format yonks ago.  As before, they are all available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0).

Unexpected LaTeX!

Somehow I forgot to mention that as well as delving into the world of C# I’m just finishing up my PhD thesis.  Having experienced the horrors of trying to manage a large document in Word, I set about learning to use LaTeX, which for this kind of work is superior in just about every imaginable way.

Once you decide on a style sheet, LaTeX pretty much manages everything for you, and lays it all out beautifully.  When it works, it works sublimely.  When it doesn’t work, you can really end up stuck.

So, I’m going to post a bunch of LaTeX problems too, since it can be really hard to find solutions when you don’t know the right vocabulary.

A bit about me…

It’s a familiar story – I started programming when I was really young and never stopped.  My dad had a Dragon 32 – not the most ancient of computers, but pretty old by anyone’s standards – and let me play on it.  The idea of a toy that didn’t do anything by itself was pretty novel, and I set about learning how it all worked.  As I said, a pretty typical story for a software developer.

Skip forward 20-odd years, past the Spectrum, more PCs than I care to count, and two Macs, past Basic, Pascal, Delphi, a bit of web development and a plethora of languages I poked at university, and we arrive at Java and C#.  C# for preference.

My degree is in AI, but I spent several years teaching first years Java, then moved onto being a real scientist.  An actual Computer Scientist, rather than a developer.  Evidence-Based Software Engineering is a growing field, and will hopefully influence any and all aspects of software engineering, from agile methods to unit testing, to education.  I urge you to have a look at the website, and cringe at how little evidence we actually have on which to base technical and managerial decisions.

Back on topic, I’m finally moving into the real world, as a C# developer, so you can probably expect this blog’s subject matter to become more enterprisey as time goes by.

The vast majority of problems I’ll be documenting (and posing, when the Internet fails me, as is its wont) come from personal projects, which I’ll also be posting when I think they’re ready for public consumption – basically once they’re past the point of mockery :-)

My most recent project, a lightweight media browser (I know!  How innovative!  Trust me, I made it because I needed it), has spawned half a dozen possible posts, so expect more on that just as soon as I’ve found a name for it.

Just what the world needs…

Another blog.  About programming, no less, because there aren’t many of those on the Internet.

I’ve been intending to start this up for a while now, so now that I’m desperately rushing to finish my PhD, about to start a new job and trying to find time to finish and publish a two-year long case study on unit testing (woo, indeed), it seemed a logical time to start a new commitment.

In short, this blog is like many others, a place for me to put programming problems and solutions that had me scouring the web and picking people’s brains.  So, whenever I eventually find/invent/kludge a solution to a problem, it goes here, with examples, source code and downloads.

And if  I get enough of them then maybe, just maybe, the next person won’t have to search so hard.