Tag Archives: Migration

The great blog migration of June 2014


After a few weeks of deliberation I’ve moved Pixieland onto a new host. The process was a bit of a journey of discovery, but thanks to Duplicator it was a lot easier than it might have been. After a few failures with unhelpful error messages and a bit of manual bodging it all seems to be up and running again.

Fingers crossed…

Pixieland: Now with actual Pixieland

Off to work we go

Pixieland has a new home! No longer stranded in aburn.org.uk where the poor thing first saw light of day. No! www.pixieland.org.uk is go. Thanks to the magic of a networking wizard (and a hammer, hammers are usually involved I hear) the migration was as seamless as makes no difference and all the old links should redirect transparently. Both woo and indeed yay. Thank you, Mr Networking Wizard.