Tag Archives: Zelda

Join the fight to save Zebes!

Barrett Biggers Banner

Wow… Via Dueling Analogs I’ve discovered the Etsy store of Barrett Biggers, who does some truly amazing artwork.

Fine art prints in my geek vintage and tradigital painting styles of famous games, anime, and films. Legend of Zelda, Miyazaki, Nintendo, Evangelion, Final Fantasy and so much more!

They aren’t wrong. The Metroid pictures are particularly wonderful, though the my personal favourite is probably the Dune poster.
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Game music: The Legend of Zelda – Majora’s Mask

Majoras Mask OST CoverI haven’t played a Zelda game since The Adventure of Link back in the NES days, so when @samhogy pointed me towards the Majora’s Mask soundtrack, I was intrigued to see how things had changed over the years.
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